Now in Washington, Oregon, and California

Start a whole new life on YOUR terms.


Call us the Breaker of Chains.

If you’re here, then you’re probably tired of being an indentured servant. Tired of slaving away making great money—for someone else.

We say… Screw. That.

Oili is a free marketplace where our partner technicians have the freedom to choose when and where they work, and determine their own futures.

We’re here to help you build a life you probably didn’t think possible.

Sounds good, right?

Click the APPLY NOW button, submit your information and we’ll call you to see if you're a good fit. We can’t wait to meet you, seriously.


Oili has helped my business grow in some unexpected ways. They don’t just leave you to fend for yourself—they partner with your business and work hard to achieve your needs. A great option for other local mobile mechanics.”

– Satisfied Oili Provider